Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1984 Response 1

The society of 1984 has created comformity for everyone in having them all be equal and the same. Conflict has been reduced by having everyone follow the rulings of "Big Brother", who is to be basically worshipped. People can only get married for the purpose of having babies, as marriages are only approved by the government. The gov. will not allow a couple to get married if it is for any reason other than "work for the Party".
The society is a dystopia, because it is not a very happy place, according to Winston. People are lied to everyday about the past, ax the government changes the stories of past happenings so that it conforms to what they want it to be. Also, if a person rebels against the Party (even with a facial gesture-"facecrime"- or a certain thought-"thoughtcrime") they can be killed, or  "vaporized", meaning they just vanish off the face of the earth, without trial.

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